About The Society

The Society of the Lees of Virginia was organized in December, 1921, with the Hon. Blair Lee as president, Cazenove G. Lee, Jr., secretary, and Lawrence R. Lee, treasurer. The objectives of the Society were established and are summarized as follows:

"To draw the scattered members of the family together and through meetings, social gatherings, pilgrimages, and commemorative exercises to further a deeper feeling of fellowship among them; to assist in the preservation of those ancient burial places now lying neglected and forgotten; to aid in the compilation of data of family state and national interest; to promote a greater knowledge of our ancestors’ services to their country, and to make better Americans of ourselves and of our children."


These objectives have guided the Society for the past ninety years. Today the Society of The Lees of Virginia is formally incorporated as a non-profit, 501(3)(c) organization. There are approximately nine hundred members from all across the United States and several other countries.

Any person who is a descendant of Col. Richard Lee and his wife Anne Constable, who settled in York County, Virginia is eligible for membership in the Society of The Lees of Virginia. Potential members must establish his or her claim of descent from Richard I, "The Emigrant," in accordance with the guidelines of the Society. As a general rule, it is sufficient to provide documentation that satisfactorily connects the applicant to the most current citation in LEE OF VIRGINIA by Edmund Jennings Lee.

In accordance with the objectives, the Society purchased and restored three Lee Family Cemeteries which were in danger of being overrun and lost to posterity. These grave sites were completely restored and are currently maintained by the Society. These cemeteries are:

The Burnt House Field Cemetery, near Hague, Virginia, which contains the graves of Richard Lee, II, son of Richard I the Emigrant, and his wife Laetitia Corbin, their son, Thomas Lee, President of the Council and Builder of Stratford and his wife Hannah Ludwell, and their son Richard Henry Lee, who made the motion for the Independence of our Country and signed the Declaration of Independence, and his two wives Ann Aylett and Anne Gaskins.

The Cobbs Hall Burying Ground, near Kilmarnock, Virginia, which contains the graves of Richard Lee I and his wife Anne Constable

The Lansdowne Graveyard, in Urbanna, Virginia, contains the grave site of Arthur Lee, brother to Richard Henry Lee, who were two of the Five Sons of Stratford who were so influential in our Country’s independence.

The Society owns and maintains numerous historical artifacts and portraits which are on display principally at, Stratford Hall Plantation, Stratford, Virginia, Arlington House, Arlington, Virginia, Sully Plantation, Chantilly, Virginia and the Lee Fendall House, Alexandria, Virginia.

The Society established an Education Fund and currently offers limited non-interest bearing education loans to worthy senior students. Potential recipients need not be a member of the Society.

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